:: ???
  • outside?
  • resources

ENG/DEU ⟡ AST/ADST ⟡ ⨺⃝ ⟡ PLURR ⟡ Any pronouns

Welcome!! Names Vivienne, this is my little corner of the internet! Feel free to explore! You can find my old site here, and sitemap here!

I never know what to add in these intro sections, I'm currently looking into stuff like coding, surfing, tattoo design, zoology, herbal medicine, farming, guitar, agriculture, sculpting, body mods, and stargazing/space!

!! shortcuts !!

← this is your guide! click it on the corner of any page to return back here.


03/01/2025 - about me page redone! changelog icons changed, GPOY extended!

02/27/2025 - pinboard layout finished and started!

02/26/2025 - home page edited, funky little tooltips added! Gpoy created and started! Pinboard created! About me, sitemap, and homepage edited!!

02/25/2025 - home page and landing improved!! the code was messy LOL

02/21/2025 - films page layout created, shrines landing updated, and lps shrine layout created!

02/20/2025 - journal hub landing and journals created and intigrated from my old site!

02/18/2025 - shrines landing created!

02/16/2025 - about me decorated, kin list layout created!

02/16/2025 - about me completed, counter image changed!

02/15/2025 - homepage adjusted (again again!), sitemap created!

02/14/2025 - homepage adjusted (again!), about me redone (just kidding lost all of the code), library, music, and record collection pages started!

02/13/2025 - homepage adjusted, about me worked on!

02/12/2025 - about me finished!

02/11/2025 - library finished, home page adjusted!

02/10/2025 - more decor added to homepage, library recreated!

02/09/2025 - about me started, home page adjusted!

02/08/2025 - site moved to neocities! home landing and warning page created!

02/06/2025 - gimmicks added to homepage, fox shrine started, about me edited! curios rentry created!

02/04/2025 - journal entry + about me finished!

02/03/2025 - about me page updated and extended, links page moved to buttons on the home page!

02/02/2025 - links page created and wolf and buddies shrine created!

02/01/2025 - home page remade, landing page created! Blinkies added to music page!

01/31/2025 - journal entries!

01/30/2025 - journal entry and scrapbook updated!

01/29/2025 - journal entries!

01/28/2025 - studio updated, home page updated, scrapbook created, and journal pages created! all page fonts changed!

01/26/2025 - home page and about me updated, shortcuts and sitemap created!

01/23/2025 - home page updated!

05/7/24 :: brba shrine updated, main landing page finished:: could've worked on my diary or something but breaking bad has a chokehold on me right now ig

01/15/2025 - tv/films and music page updated, photo album created!

01/14/2025 - cd art updated, about me page created, home page updated!

01/13/2025 - bookshelf, music, tv, studio, nest, outside, and shrine page created!

01/13/2025 - library page created!

01/12/2025 - home page updated, navigation created!

01/06/2025 - home page created!!

04/17/2024 - original site creation date!


neocities doesnt allow outside javascript, so ill figure out how 2 fix this latr brokenheart emoji



email me

my guestbook