back to the journal hub?

cw/tw for a bunch of stuff, idk what i'll write here. Drabbles and thoughts that I don't want in my main journal.

This journal is primarily somewhere for me to vent, so I stop bothering my friends about it.

i only update this diary on bad days or on days that remind me to update it (for whatever reason).
Most of my days are good, either that or I'm not well enough to articulate how I'm feeling.

My life isn't bad, really - this is just a collection of me being whiny. I still try to remain positive regardless.

02/02/2025 - mood: guilty

I feel bad for being such a nuisance to my friends and family, I feel like my existence is just a burden. I don't do anything great to add to anything.

01/31/2025 - mood: lonely

I had an appointment today that I missed because I slept through it and I didn't really want to go anyway.

I feel like my family is mad at me about it, I feel shitty.

I wanna hang out with any of my friends, but I feel like none of them wanna talk right now. I wish it wasn't so hard to feel better. I feel stupid and needy.

01/29/25 - mood: nauseous

I had an appointment at the clinic for an eating disorder assessment today, got diagnosed, crazy.

The lady said that my mother would have to monitor me every time I ate? Not looking forward to that. I'm hoping she'll forget.

01/28/2025 - mood: neglected? sort of?

I feel sort of sad today, I don't really know why. My stomach started hurting ever since early this morning for no particular reason but it's starting to bother me.

I've been feeling like I've been bothering people more lately, I've been noticing my family acting more tired of me. I don't know what I did.

I feel sort of cringe making two separate journals for negative stuff and positive stuff, but I also feel like it's a good idea, sometimes people don't want to hear about others having a better or worse time than them.